


My name is L.T., my nicknames are, "Laffy Taffy" and "Zero." I am a
Freshman at Westwood Schools. My life is dedicated to Rock music.
My favorite bands are Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, 
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, and Alice In Chains. My favorite songs are, "Smells Like
Teen Spirit," by Nirvana, "Bullet With Butterfly Wings," by The Smashing Pumpkins,
"Guerilla Radio," by Rage Against the Machine, "Under the Bridge" by Red Hot Chili Peppers,
"Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails and "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam. I am a guitarist, a singer,
and a song-writer. I hate Country music, Rap, Pop, Lil Wayne,
stuck-up people, the American government, and Generation Y. I love music, skateboarding,
Anarchy, girls, guitar, singing, and depressing 90's rock music. I am a
Christian, I believe in God, but I have to agree with Karl Marx when he said
that Religion is the opiate of the people, that they can't live without it. My
hero is Kurt Cobain, the singer/guitarist of the 90's Grunge band Nirvana.
People question my thinking of him as a role model because he committed suicide
in 1994 and was on heroin, but I can relate to him and his angsty music because
of the lyrics about depression, hatred of popularity, teen angst, and his having
to go through being picked on in his high-school because he acted different than
everyone, like me. At my school, the popular kids are the guys who play
football, who are "country boys," who taunt and tease the less popular people
(like me), and who have more money than the other people. Well I am none of
these things, I am the depressed loser who likes old music, hates sports, and
all things Southern and Hip Hop. Well, in my opinion, I also think I am a loser,
I am an outcast, I am a loner, and I am strange. You don't like me??? Well,
neither do I. I guess it's a personal thing, but at least I'm not full of myself
like most people from here. L.T. (Laffy Taffy, Zero), the Punk Rock outcast.
"I'd Rather Be Hated for Who I Am than Loved for Who I'm Not." -Kurt Cobain.

    L.t. "Zer0" Warren

    Creator of this web-site. And is working on a new, non-school-related site that is not finished yet.


    May 2011

